

Ashley Ellix

Ashley Ellix lives in sunny SoCal with her husband and 2 kids and they love to travel whenever possible! Ashley has been in the beauty space for over 15 years but slowly became disenchanted with the industry. In her search of self discovery, she fell into the book community was able to rediscover her deep love of fantasy. While reconnecting with her younger self she has developed a new passion, and let's admit it, OBSESSION with all things book related. She has been an active content creator and YouTuber for the past 6 years and is excited to branch out into the world of podcasting with her 22+ years of friendship bestie Liz!

Liz Wilson

Liz Wilson lives in rural Northern California with her IRL book husband, two border collies, and black cat Yennefer of Vengerberg. She owns a spa and makeup studio, but prefers to escape reality through dark romance and fantasy reads, and is absolutely thrilled to use her journalism degree for the first time as a podcast co host with her bestie! She enjoys writing, hanging out in her book room, traveling, listening to punk rock, eating vegan desserts, making Romantasy her entire personality, and podcasting for Besties & the Books.



Lindsay Straube

Hilarious meme account, turned Amazon bestselling author and future bookstore opener, Lindsay Straube! Lindsay lives in Portland Oregon where she enjoys drinking tiki sosos, eating lemon Oreos, and going to the movies, her favorite of which is Dirty Dancing. Split or Swallow is her first book, and is currently rated #1 in Love Triangle Romance on Amazon.

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